Chromebook Loan Program

For the 2023-2024 school year King Intermediate will be offering students the opportunity to borrow a chromebook from King to keep at home to facilitate access to online curriculum outside of school.  The four documents posted in the section below need to be signed before a device can be issued.  These include:

Documents posted in the section at the bottom of this page are provided for your convenience.  Guidelines in these documents should be reviewed as students and parents/guardians will be held liable for all requirements and policies outlined within those these documents.

Once all documents have been received and verified the school will notify students how and when to pick up their chromebook.

To summarize, in order to borrow a chromebook:

1) Sign and return all 4 forms listed above (some may already have been turned into Advisory teachers).

2) Once forms have been verified by school staff the student will receive a message as to where and when to pick up the chromebook.

*Note that devices borrowed from King are meant to be kept at home, not be brought back and forth between home and school.  At school students will use the chromebooks provided in the classroom.  Also know that broken, vandalized, lost, or missing devices may result in a replacement cost of $100 for chromebooks and/or $20 for chromebook chargers.

The four documents posted this section need to be signed before a device can be issued.

Student Publication_Audio_Video Release Form_2021.pdf

A copy of this document needs to be signed and turned into the school before a device can be issued to a student.

Technology Responsible Use Form 17-0052.pdf

A copy of this document needs to be signed and turned into the school before a device can be issued to a student.

2021 Digital Device Usage Policy.pdf

You should be familiar with this policy as you will be held liable for all requirements listed here when using our digital devices.  A copy of this document needs to be signed and turned into the school before a device can be issued to a student.

King Intermediate Chromebook Lending Agreement - 2022-2023.pdf

A copy of this document needs to be signed and turned into the school before a device can be issued to a student.

Documents posted in this section are provided for your convenience.  Guidelines in these documents should be reviewed as students and parents/guardians will be held liable for all requirements and policies outlined within those these documents.

Technology Responsible Use Guidelines 17-0051.pdf

You should be familiar with this policy as you will be held liable for all requirements listed here when using our digital devices.  This document does not need to be printed out or signed.