Pono Choices
Pono Choices: A Culturally Responsive Teen Pregnancy and STI Prevention Programs
Website: http://www.cds.hawaii.edu/ponochoices
Grades: 6-8
The 7th grade Health class uses the Pono Choices curriculum. The overarching goal of Pono Choices will be to reduce the number of teenage pregnancies and incidences of sexually transmitted infections (STIs); increase positive bonding in the school and community; increase sense of self-identity and self-efficacy; and improve expectations for the future.
It is a scripted 10 module, 9.5 hour curriculum that provides middle school youth with the knowledge and skills necessary to reduce their risk of unintended pregnancy and STIs by providing medically accurate information within a Native Hawaiian place-based framework. Topics include: effective communication skills, refusing unwanted sexual pressure, information on how STIs are transmitted, and recognizing healthy and unhealthy relationships.
All parents are welcome to attend the parent night that explains the modules and activities in the curriculum. A flyer will be sent home with your child informing you of the specific date/time/location of the parent night in the 2nd and 4th quarters.
Thereafter, a letter will be sent home and at that time, parents may inform the health teacher of opting their child out of the curriculum.
Ms. Donna Rodenhurst
233-5727 ext. 405